Miamitown Ghost Tours

Friday, August 7, 2009


Book signing, Saturday August 8th from 2-4pm at Borders on Colerain Ave (behind Northgate Mall). Come out and get your copy of Haunted Cincinnati and Southwest Ohio signed or just to say hi!

See you there!

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Miamitown Ghost Talk aired tonight for the first time and what a great show it was! We talked to special guest James Willis and couldn't have had a better guest for the premier of Miamitown Ghost Talk! He told a lot of great stories about his adventures with Ghosts of Ohio and their first investigation in an adult club and all about the weird legends he has encountered while writting his book Weird Ohio and Weird Indiana. Go listen to the podcast at: and hear what James Willis had to say. I apologize the first minute or two was cut off and there were a few moments of technical difficulties, but overall it is an awesome show. You don't want to miss it.

So, next Wednesday at 8pm est we will be talking to Jo Haunts on Miamitown Ghost Talk. She is a memeber of the paranormal group, S.P.I.R.I.T (Southeastern Paranormal Interest, Research, and Investigation Team) and she is also a clairvoyant, taort card reader, PSI card reader and Reiki healer. So don't miss it next week on!
Premiering tonight on the All Souls Paranormal Radio Newtwork at at 8:00pm with special guest James A. Willis! James Willis is the co-author of Wierd Ohio, Wierd Indiana and many other Wierd book.

Next week:
August 12th: Jo Haunts - clairvoyant and member of S.P.I.R.I.T
